
Showing posts from August, 2012

Today's Reality

Big House, but Small Family... More Degrees, but Less Common Sense... Advanced Medicine, but Poor Health... Touched Moon, but Neighbours Unknown... High Income, but Less Peace of Mind... High IQ, but Less Emotions... Good Knowledge, but Less Wisdom... Lots of Human Beings, but Less Humanity... Costly Watches, but No Time..!!!

APPLE's sue content over Samsung

The "slide-to-unlock" feature  in which you unlock your touch-screen phone by sliding your finger across the screen. Searching multiple sources of information at once , which is something that Apple's Siri gimmick does when it's trying to provide information to you Detecting phone numbers in emails so you can just tap the number to call someone  (a highly useful feature). A built-in spell-check that suggests alternatives when you misspell something. Read more:

Apple sues Samsung over patented iPad, iPhone case designs [u]

By  Katie Marsal Published: 11:00 AM EST  (08:00 AM PST) The legal battle between Samsung and Apple continues to grow, as Apple has filed a new lawsuit against Samsung accusing the company of violating patents related to tablet and smartphone case designs [updated with clarification from Samsung]. Update : Samsung contacted  AppleInsider  with a statement clarifying that Apple's new claims are related to the external appearance of the devices, rather than the accessories as originally reported. "We would like to clarify that the additional claims filed by Apple in Australia do not relate to protective case accessories, as has been indicated in some media reports. In fact, the intellectual property asserted are patents related to the utility of mobile devices and design rights related to the external appearance of devices," the company's statement read. Apple has notified Samsung of the alleged infringement, and will file a statement of claim with an A