Things that show that you have had an awesome life

1. You have been to a beach, river bank or lake side with your best friend not a lover, this shows you have a true friend who wont let you alone when world ends.

2. You have experienced your favorite sport or adventure during tough times. This shows your life has people who wont let the fun end.

3. You have watched Disney, tom and jerry, Aladdin, Scooby doo after the age of 15. This is a sign that your childhood was awesome.. Yes i mean after 15.

4. You have cried on full moon more than once. This is sign you miss something or someone you are sure you will never touch and get in life.

5. You have given someone a very great surprise and got some surprise that means the world to you. You have performed a perfect deed without expecting something in return. It means you have had a love story or may have in near future but you don't show that to the world.

6. Volunteer for some welfare works. If you have not surely you have not discovered yourself yet.

7. You have be a friend with stranger and stranger with best friend some times, And got a drink for stranger. This is sure sign you have been through ups and downs but you always get up for people you love.

8. Rain dance and played football or ice hockey in rain. And walk barefoot. Surely this is happiness in life.

9. You have been to sunsets and sunrises as well as historic places, forts with someone. This is a symbol of love with that person.

10. Plant a tree and watch it grow, get a pet and keep it with you till it dies, tried to write down a book and publish it until you realised you are not an author.

11. Be a match maker and introduce you single friend to others and let them do the rest. This shows your social life is happy too.

12. Play a musical instrument, dance like crazy and learn a art that normal people don't have like martial art, ghost calling. Yes this is a simple sign you like being yourself.

13. Trying to convince someone but in the end feeling like i don't care about the world.

14. Doing the things that makes your parents happy. This means you love them more than anything in the world.

15. Go deep into the heart of mother nature and feeling like spending the rest if your life there. Yes every human feels that but i would say only Mowgli and Tarzan can live there forever.

16. Ever go to stage and get cheers, respect when you walk down that ramp and people calling your name when you speak. Oh believe me this is best feeling in the world. And this shows you have had successful life and are popular.


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