
Showing posts from September, 2015

Android changes and new features that you might see in upcoming updates

Google, a search engine that began its journey as search engine and was never meant to be competing for world's best OS (operating system). Yes, now android seems as world's best OS being run on smart phones, laptops, smart watches, televisions, even engines. Firstly introduced itself as a OS that could run mobiles as substitute to costlier IOS and BB OS is now sits comfortably above any competitor. With Android lollipop kicking out Android's main problem of dalvik cache and garbage ram capturing now its more smoother then ever. But lets take it to imaginative level what google about to introduce and trying to do out. Lets guess you are chatting with your friend on any chatting messenger on android based smartphone, you just said lets go for movie, he said okay tomorrow morning, lets watch batman. What you need to do is just Swype your home button to open google now and it will search down for movie batman, nearest theatre and tomorrow morning timing as well as seats av

Syria is bleeding, middle east is crying bloody tears, a story..!

My city needs me, my country needs people like me to come out and fight. My family is there, my people are there, they are dying and i am dying mentally, i tried to get back but at the port i was told i will never reach there i will die mid way, i will be brutally murdered along with the people for whom i was trying to go back home. So i decided to stay in Europe. I am not afraid of dying what i am afraid is if i fight my family will be murdered, our leader will be kidnapped and teased to death. - unknown man from Syria. Yes Syria is bleeding, it needs help but those who are making people bleed, they wont let anyone fight for them. Any city in the world you will see police man around at red lights, bus stops or at road cross ways but in Syria you see 3 terrorist along with ak47 or maybe more automated rifles and few grenades at their vests at those places. Is this the way we thought the middle east would develope??  The world is crying from the pain of that terrorism but no one helpi