Syria is bleeding, middle east is crying bloody tears, a story..!

My city needs me, my country needs people like me to come out and fight. My family is there, my people are there, they are dying and i am dying mentally, i tried to get back but at the port i was told i will never reach there i will die mid way, i will be brutally murdered along with the people for whom i was trying to go back home. So i decided to stay in Europe. I am not afraid of dying what i am afraid is if i fight my family will be murdered, our leader will be kidnapped and teased to death. - unknown man from Syria.
Yes Syria is bleeding, it needs help but those who are making people bleed, they wont let anyone fight for them. Any city in the world you will see police man around at red lights, bus stops or at road cross ways but in Syria you see 3 terrorist along with ak47 or maybe more automated rifles and few grenades at their vests at those places. Is this the way we thought the middle east would develope??  The world is crying from the pain of that terrorism but no one helping. The new government is in chaos. Over 50 lac people have become homeless and over 25lac people have migrated to other countries and Europe. Now the situation is the Europe is not letting in any Syrian and middle east is over populated with Syrians and people migrating have no money to go far to other parts of world. Humanity has already been killed there now what left is  to save humans alive. Now their past is being destroyed and historic places have been destroyed. The historic books are being burned. People cant walk on the roads, no one can talk to a stranger, networking is almost dead. Those people can make any female slave any day and can rape any women, what a shame for every human on the planet.
The most sad moment came when we saw Aylan died at the shores there (see pic of a baby dead attached), at some point every human has sentiments for a child and generally we do not kill a child. Even if he belongs to our most favored enemy. The humanity must stand for it self now.
Whats good to see is United States Institute of Peace had finally taken steps for peace and support. God never sent humans for this, the people are being slaughtered like an animal, is this the day we all will see someday in our future??
Asians as well as European countries must stand for the middle east, the war they are going through. The USA must now take the initiative and along with the support they get or by their own they must set Syria as well as other affected countries free from this Bond slave culture there being developed before its too late, even though its late already.


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