Life - How It Goes

Growing up i used to never sleep until i got what i wanted and till i achieve my daily goals. I never used to take my bed until i fixed last piece of my jigsaw puzzle. Times changed then i used to sleep when i was tired, years later i used to refuse bed during exam days and later part i used to go to sleep when i felt like uneasy waking up anymore. When something unjust happened to me or to someone I loved, I worked relentlessly to “make things right .” This is how thinking changed over the years.
Things come and go, situation get better and worse every day sometimes even in hours all around changes. The only thing that stands between a person and what they want in life is the will to try it and the faith to believe its possible. The word "Believe" keeps a lot value in itself. The believe in your self can change you forever for better and some disbelieve can ruin any good going life.
Sooner or later, we all realise that blind persistence could turn into an exhausting and useless quest.
At some point of time we all waste precious time and effort trying to stay in touch with people from high school and college who had no interest in keeping the friendship. We all get in contact with people who are loyal to us but only for their need once their needs change so does their loyalty. Their are only 2 people who would back you up till death are your mother-father, mark my words here.

We all want to get what we want, there's  no wrong about that but the rule of nature says survival of the fittest, some of you may be surprised to read this line in between this post but there are only 3 types of people who get to do what's their interest or what they like or get what they want, they are - 1) who is born multi millionaire with silver spoon. 2) ones who are extremely lucky. 3) who are intelligent or talented than everyone who they ever meet. Now some people might disagree with me. But be practical in life and realise this in time that 99% of us do not fall within this category. More often i hear that people are not satisfied with their job, their success, their salary - profits, and few even with entire life. The point i wanna put is 75% of people on the planet need to adjust and live accordingly. Just learn to believe in your self if you really wanna change things around and take initiative and never fall back.
Now to go to other heads of life, If you feel that you’re not enjoying the life to the fullest because you can’t stop thinking about your situation, it might be time to reconsider the reasons you continue trying. Working toward a worthwhile goal should be elating and exciting. Lack of excitement about achieving what you think you want probably means that you’ve become used to striving and never arriving. It’s “what you do,” and this routine doesn’t serve you. You may be justifying a painful situation in the name of psychological comfort. Fear of the unknown or of upsetting other people could be the true driver of your efforts. What would your life be like if you stopped trying? Notice the first feeling that arrives when you ask this question. A feeling of freedom or exhilaration is a sign you are ready to give up. You need to move away from those others at this point to get ahead in life.
Not being able to achieve your goal might result in self-doubt about your abilities. You might wonder whether there is something wrong with you. A job, relationship, or project that hurts your self-worth isn’t worth it. You need not give up on what you are or what you could be for these. Or you will not live and neither die happily. If you're the only person who shows interest in solving a problem or reaching a goal but the outcome depends on others then you need to reconsider about keeping them around, you are the only person who initiates contact with a friend or the only one who takes action to improve a relationship, it’s unlikely that the relationship will thrive or even survive. Letting go off relationships in which you’re the only person invested will produce temporary pain, but once you’ve overcome the negative emotions, you’ll be able to welcome loving and uplifting people into your life.
More importantly, everyday when you wake up in morning the first thing you feel is give up on things, Trust that your intuition is guiding you to the places you’re meant to go, the career you’re meant to have, and the people you’re meant to meet. Making the decision to give up might not be easy, but will open the door to fulfilling and joyful life experiences. Letting go will set you on a path of learning, growth, and expansion!
Not everyone gets a life full of joy after end of high school but you can make one beautiful and full of happiness.
There are always two sides of us darker side and brighter side, people more often follow darker and give up too easily on brighter side and once they realise this is late but never too late in most of the cases unless you realise you can and again that belief word comes into action.

We all get what we deserve, the thing is some get early,few need to be patient and some need to fight for right. Those who get these early someday become lucky, people who keep patience become successful and the people who fight for right become legends.

CA RRaman Sharma


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