
Showing posts from June, 2017

Kashmir Conflict, Situation and future aspects

There is a heaven on earth, and it was none other then The Kashmir. But now in today's scenario it is not less then a hell. Yes i am talking about our Kashmir, India's integral part. The land of rivers, Himalaya and gods. But there are some devils that need to be killed. Innocent civilians, brave soldiers are being brutally attacked and few of the insects (the terrorists) are being killed by our men as well. But whose behind it, let me be straight, there are some local leaders, separatists, the hurriyat, and terrorist who have only one aim in life (no peace on this planet). They get funding from Pakistan, and other terrorist organisation based in Asia, maybe outside as well. But why should India pay for them. You know what, the total population of Kashmir is 1% of India's population and budget is 10% of Indian budget. Why should those 99% Indian let go of their right on the remaining 9%. I am not being partial but every Indian has similar right on the Government funds. And